Esta es la obra que hice para la presentación de LASALIDA, colectivo formado por Chema Peral, Miguel Montaner, Mágoz, Núria Porras, Miguel Porlan y un servidor, que tuvo lugar el 29 de diciembre de 2011 en LASALA centre d'art contemporani de Vilanova i la Geltrú.
Cada miembro hizo una pieza representando el nombre del colectivo.
En mi caso alude a una persona que va subiendo peldaños de su vida y abriendo puertas, sus salidas, hasta llegar a la última.
También compuse la música para la ocasión.
Piece for the presentation of LASALIDA, a collective formed by Chema Peral, Miguel Montaner, Mágoz, Núria Porras, Miguel Porlan and me, that took place the 29th december 2011 in LASALA contemporary art center of Vilanova i la Geltrú.
Each member made a piece representing the collective's name (LASALIDA would be THEEXIT in english).
In my case is a person that steps up through his life and opening doors, his exits, till arriving to the last one.
I also made the music for the animation.
Photos by Stefania Lusini
Each member made a piece representing the collective's name (LASALIDA would be THEEXIT in english).
In my case is a person that steps up through his life and opening doors, his exits, till arriving to the last one.
I also made the music for the animation.
Photos by Stefania Lusini
M'encanta Oscar!! Llarga vida a LASALIDA!